Truth and religious deception

Only truth will set you free when faced with religious deception. Thus, search for it is required to address the issue, which is inversely related to individual's rights of freedom of choice. In turn, this freedom requires "truth" as a necessity.The less effective the exercise of freedom, e.g due to ignorance, religious arrogance, "untruthful" information, disinterest, tradition, etc., the more the enslavement by religious deception. 

Its detection will not only needlooking at the "truth" but would need individual's personal commitment to study and correct one 's belief system
, without which, the "truth", despite of its abundance, would be futile and worthless.

Even in calamities, religious deception is present. A religious sector may act as a representative of God by substantially promoting "God is Love" but at the same

time continues to promote things that God hates, which are the root causes of calamities. This kind of approach by the deceivers is "using "The Name" of God"-to continually promote deceptions in society. Deceivers, of course, deceive others by holding on their deception as the truth. The intention is to get the continuing sociopolitical confidence of the public.

Considering the lack of luxury of time, each and every one are now personally in-charged of knowing the spiritual truth that can save. 

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